eBook Pre-Announcement
EdITLib Digital Library October Update
EdITLib Digital Library October Update
Author Submissions Now Accepted for EdITLib Digital Library
EdITLib Digital Library is now accepting submissions for inclusion in its digital library. The web page for submissions is:
The digital library accepts research and papers in the field of education and technology, multimedia, information technology, and e-learning.
Accepted submission types include papers from conference proceedings, published journal articles, theses and dissertations, eBooks, technical reports, and more. Submissions can be in PDF, Word, or RTF format.
Open Course on Future(s) in Education – sponsored by AACE
Social Media Seminar 03/18/10 – Online & No Fee!
AACE Global U is pleased to organize the newest free monthly online seminar!
Social Media: Trends and Implications for Learning
When: March 18, 2010: 2:00 PM Eastern USA (World Clock Calculator)
Where: http://aace.org/connect/socialmedia
The seminar series, led by George Siemens and David Cormier, is without fee and will include live interactive sessions, in addition to discussions with guest speakers and participants.
Social media and emerging technologies are gaining increased attention for use in education. The list of tools grows daily. Examples: blogs, wikis, Ning, podcasts, Facebook, Twitter, Second Life, cloud computing, surface computing, mobile learning, and so on. “Social Media: Trends and Implications for Learning” will explore the impact of new technologies, research, and related projects.
Finding coherence in the midst of rapid changes is increasingly difficult. This monthly session will create a forum for educators to gather, present, and discuss the future impact of today’s trends.
All sessions are co-sponsored by and will be archived in the Education & Information Technology Library (EdITLib).
Social Media Seminar 8/10/09 – Online & No Fee!
Social Media:
Trends and Implications for Learning
Monday, August 10, 2009; 9PM (Easter US)
- Faculty:
- » George Siemens – Learning Technologies Centre, Univ. of Manitoba, Canada
- » David Cormier – Univ. of Prince Edward Island, Canada
Organized by: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Co-Sponsored by: Education & Information Technology Library (EdITLib)
AACE Global U is please to announce the 2nd seminar in its already successful series, “Social Media: Trends and Implications for Learning.” The 1st seminar had nearly 300 participants!
The seminar series, led by George Siemens and David Cormier, is without fee and will include live interactive sessions, in addition to discussions with guest speakers and participants. All sessions are co-sponsored by and archived in the Educations & Information Technology Library (EdITLib).
Social media and emerging technology are gaining increased attention for use in education. The list of tools grows daily. Examples: blogs, wikis, Ning, podcasts, Facebook, Twitter, Second Life, cloud computing, surface computing, mobile learning, and so on.
“Social Media” seminars explore the impact of new technologies, research, and related projects.
To receive updates, signup at : http://AACE.org/GlobalU/seminars/socialmedia/
Seminar Recordings: http://EdITLib.org/GlobalU/
Seminar Community: http://www.AACEConnect.org/group/SocialMedia
We hope that you will be able to join us as well as gain valuable insight into social media and the trends and implications for learning.
EdITLib Update
EdITLib–Education & Information Technology Digital Library
EdITLib Update
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
The EdITLib Digital Library is a valuable online resource of 20,000+peer-reviewed and published international journal articles, conference papers, talks, seminars, and other media on the latest research, developments, and applications related to all aspects of Educational Technology and E-Learning.
Freely available: All abstracts, conference award papers, conference keynote/invited talks, journal contents alerts, and more!Recently Added Content Increases Value for You! Subscribe for only $19/mo.!
- ED-MEDIA 2009 Conference Papers, Talks, & PPT Presentations
- New eBook: “Research Highlights and Technology and Teacher Education”
- Seminar Recording: “Social Media: Trends & Implications for Learning”
- Feature Highlight:Collections
A total of 650 new peer-reviewed papers, including 11 Outstanding Award Papers from ED-MEDIA 2009 – World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications were recently added to the Digital Library!
For the ED-MEDIA 2009 papers, click here
Now you can also access all Keynote and Invited Speaker Talks from ED-MEDIA 2009 on EdITLib! It is not necessary to be a current Digital Library subscriber for receive to these talks.
For the recorded talks, see: EdITLib Recorded Talks
For more information on the ED-MEDIA 2010 Conference
in Toronto, Canada, June 28-July 2, 2010, see: http://aace.org/conf/cities/toronto/
NEW eBOOK: “Research Highlights and Technology and Teacher Education”
This book is offers insight into the state of research in technology and teacher education through 40 selected papers submitted by members of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE). This rigorously peer-refereed volume will be published annually by SITE.
The book also is available in bound, print format at only $19 for personal use. Or consider using as a reading supplement/text for your class!
Several more e-Books on various topics such as E-Learning in Asia and Emerging Technologies for Learning are scheduled for publication and distribution in the Digital Library. All e-Books are freely available to EdITLib subscribers.
SEMINAR RECORDING: “Social Media: Trends & Implications for Learning”
“Social Media: Trends and Implications for Learning” is a seminar series, led by George Siemens and David Cormier, that explores emerging technological and related research trends as well as the impact of new technologies, research, and related projects.
This monthly seminar series is without fee and includes live interactive sessions, in addition to discussions with guest speakers and participants.
All sessions will be archived in the Education & Information Technology Library (EdITLib). Nearly 300 attended this popular event in July!
The recording is at: http://editlib.org/globalu/SOCIALM
The next online Social Media Seminar will be August 10, 2009, 9 PM Eastern USA. To attend, please visit and sign up for information at: AACE Global U : Social Media Seminar
The seminar series is co-sponsored and organized by AACE Global U, a developing initiative intended to provide learning and professional development opportunities on the latest research, trends, and best practices related to learning and technology.
EdITLib FEATURE HIGHLIGHT: Personal Collections
Keep track of your favorite articles, conference papers, and other EdITLib media resources. Create subject collections that you can share with colleagues and students.
About Your Education & Info. Tech. Digital Library:
In addition to the 20,000+ journal and conference papers from the past 15+ years, we have added the following new resources to this ever growing library:
- Conference keynote/invited speaker recordings
- Books (also available in bound & printed)
- PowerPoint slides of conference talks
- Seminar recordings
- Videos supplementing conference talks
- Receive Table of Contents Alerts to be notified when a new journal issue is published
- Create Collections of articles by topic
- Export citations in popular formats
- Email abstracts to colleagues and more…
All documents in the EdITLib are available individually or via subscription. Please support your Digital Library to continue development of new features and addition of new media-rich content for you.
DL flyer
Individual Subscriptions: Only $19/month
EdITLib Update
EdITLib–Education & Information Technology Digital Library
EdITLib Update
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
The EdITLib Digital Library is a valuable online resource of 20,000+peer-reviewed and published international journal articles, conference papers, talks, seminars, and other media on the latest research, developments, and applications related to all aspects of Educational Technology and E-Learning.
Freely available: All abstracts, conference award papers, conference keynote/invited talks, journal contents alerts, and more!Recently Added Content Increases Value for You! Subscribe for only $19/mo.!
- ED-MEDIA 2009 Conference Papers, Talks, & PPT Presentations
- New eBook: “Research Highlights and Technology and Teacher Education”
- Seminar Recording: “Social Media: Trends & Implications for Learning”
- Feature Highlight:Collections
A total of 650 new peer-reviewed papers, including 11 Outstanding Award Papers from ED-MEDIA 2009 – World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications were recently added to the Digital Library!
For the ED-MEDIA 2009 papers, click here
Now you can also access all Keynote and Invited Speaker Talks from ED-MEDIA 2009 on EdITLib! It is not necessary to be a current Digital Library subscriber for receive to these talks.
For the recorded talks, see: EdITLib Recorded Talks
For more information on the ED-MEDIA 2010 Conference
in Toronto, Canada, June 28-July 2, 2010, see: http://aace.org/conf/cities/toronto/
NEW eBOOK: “Research Highlights and Technology and Teacher Education”
This book is offers insight into the state of research in technology and teacher education through 40 selected papers submitted by members of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE). This rigorously peer-refereed volume will be published annually by SITE.
The book also is available in bound, print format at only $19 for personal use. Or consider using as a reading supplement/text for your class!
Several more e-Books on various topics such as E-Learning in Asia and Emerging Technologies for Learning are scheduled for publication and distribution in the Digital Library. All e-Books are freely available to EdITLib subscribers.
SEMINAR RECORDING: “Social Media: Trends & Implications for Learning”
“Social Media: Trends and Implications for Learning” is a seminar series, led by George Siemens and David Cormier, that explores emerging technological and related research trends as well as the impact of new technologies, research, and related projects.
This monthly seminar series is without fee and includes live interactive sessions, in addition to discussions with guest speakers and participants.
All sessions will be archived in the Education & Information Technology Library (EdITLib). Nearly 300 attended this popular event in July!
The recording is at: http://editlib.org/globalu/SOCIALM
The next online Social Media Seminar will be August 10, 2009, 9 PM Eastern USA. To attend, please visit and sign up for information at: AACE Global U : Social Media Seminar
The seminar series is co-sponsored and organized by AACE Global U, a developing initiative intended to provide learning and professional development opportunities on the latest research, trends, and best practices related to learning and technology.
EdITLib FEATURE HIGHLIGHT: Personal Collections
Keep track of your favorite articles, conference papers, and other EdITLib media resources. Create subject collections that you can share with colleagues and students.
About Your Education & Info. Tech. Digital Library:
In addition to the 20,000+ journal and conference papers from the past 15+ years, we have added the following new resources to this ever growing library:
- Conference keynote/invited speaker recordings
- Books (also available in bound & printed)
- PowerPoint slides of conference talks
- Seminar recordings
- Videos supplementing conference talks
- Receive Table of Contents Alerts to be notified when a new journal issue is published
- Create Collections of articles by topic
- Export citations in popular formats
- Email abstracts to colleagues and more…
All documents in the EdITLib are available individually or via subscription. Please support your Digital Library to continue development of new features and addition of new media-rich content for you.
DL flyer
Individual Subscriptions: Only $19/month