Category: Journal Updates
Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice 16:1 Published on LearnTechLib
An issue of Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice has just been added to LearnTechLib.
The table of contents is available here:
An in-situ interprofessional simulation program to improve teamwork and obstetric crisis management skills
Implementation of a standardized debriefing tool in the emergency department
Research in Social Sciences and Technology 4:1 Published on LearnTechLib
An issue of Research in Social Sciences and Technology has just been added to LearnTechLib.
The table of contents is available here:
eHealth Systems' User Experiences from Healthcare Workers
Learning with simulations: Influence of a computer simulation with hand- on activities on students' learning of the physics capacitors' concepts
Fatal Encounters
Critiquing a Qualitative Study Using Tracy’s Big-tent Criteria
Polysemy in and of the Science Fiction Film Arrival (2016)
Teachers’ Perceptions on Using Smartphones in English as a Foreign Language Context
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 14:10 Published on LearnTechLib
An issue of International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) has just been added to LearnTechLib.
The table of contents is available here:
A Mind Map Teaching Mode for Sports Anatomy based on 3DBody
Factors Influencing ICT Adoption in Some Selected Secondary Schools in Ogun State, Nigeria
The Development Model of Semar Counselling to Improve the Self-Esteem of Vocational Students with Psychological Distress
Structural Equation Model of Acceptance Cloud Learning for Sustainability Usage in Higher Education Institutes
Redesigning and Implementing Traditional Musical Instrument in Integrated Technology Classroom
Optimizing E-Learning Cognitive Ergonomics Based on Structural Analysis of Dynamic Responses
Internet Utilization by the Students with Visual Impairment Disabilities
Family Volunteers as Alternative Future Resources: School Leaders’ Beliefs and Practices
Scaffolded Block-based Instructional Tool for Linear Data Structures: A Constructivist Design to Ease Data Structures’ Understanding
Hybrid Learning by Using Brilian Applications as One of the Learning Alternatives to Improve Learning Outcomes in College
The Classroom as a Makerspace: Use of Tablets and Cutting Plotter to Create Pop-Up Cards in Educational Environments
Learning Analytics: Issues on the Pupil-Teacher Ratio in Public Primary Schools in Nigeria
Learning Style Preferred by English and Computer Students in Indonesia Context
Design of Programming Experiment Course Platform Based on MOOCs
An Investigation of Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services from Users’ Perspectives
Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning 4:1 Published on LearnTechLib
An issue of Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning has just been added to LearnTechLib.
The table of contents is available here:
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Interpersonal Communication on Employees’ Work Satisfaction at Education and Culture Office in West Kalimantan
Analysis on Students’ Interrogative Sentence Error at SMA Negeri 2 Samalantan Bengkayang Regency
The Teacher’s Perception on Learning Media Based on Local Resources in Kindergarten in Pontianak City
Increasing Creative and Innovative Thinking Ability through The Strengthening of Character Education in Probability Theory Course
School Policy in Supporting Indonesia Smart Program at Private Junior High School (SMP) of Santo Gabriel Sekadau
Community Empowerment Management in Realizing Healthy School
The Effect of Democratic Autocratic and Laissez-Faire (Free) Leadership Style of Kindergarten Headmaster toward Teacher Discipline Performance at Kindergartens in Southeast Pontianak District
The Participation of Society and Students’ Parents in Education Organizing at State 2 Sekayam Senior High School
Exploring Teaching Learning Process in Developing Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) to Higher Secondary School (SMA) Students in Pontianak
Gramatical Cohesion and Lectical Cohesion in Text Report on Student Observation Results
The Development of 3DPageflip Service System to Improve Performance Customer Services in Bank
The Incomplete Linguistic Features and Schematic Structure in EFL University Students’ Narrative Texts
Implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) at Tunas Bangsa Primary School (SD Tunas Bangsa) in Kubu Raya Regency
The Evaluation of Management Standards on Accreditation Results of PAUD Institutions in 2017 Year (Study of Accreditation Results Documents in BAP PAUD and PNF West Kalimantan)
The Evaluation of Free Education Program at North Kayong District in 2016Period
Project Citizen Model as Character Education Strengthening
The Implementation of ADDIE Model in Developing Career Guidance Program in Senior High School
Management of Quality Improvement for PAUD (Case Study of PAUD Handayani at Pontianak City)
The Effect of Recruitment and Achievement Motivation on Discipline of Teacher Work at Private Kristen Kindergarten (TK) in Pontianak City
Computers & Education 136:1 Published on LearnTechLib
An issue of Computers & Education has just been added to LearnTechLib.
The table of contents is available here:
When it comes to MOOCs, where you are from makes a difference
Tracking e-learning through published papers: A systematic review
Reading behavior and the effect of embedded selfies in role-playing picture e-books: An eye-tracking investigation
Student learning in higher education through blogging in the classroom
Does the use of educational technology in personalized learning environments correlate with self-reported digital skills and beliefs of secondary-school students?
Student enrollment, motivation and learning performance in a blended learning environment: The mediating effects of social, teaching, and cognitive presence
Online learning usage within Yemeni higher education: The role of compatibility and task-technology fit as mediating variables in the IS success model
Economics of Education Review 70:1 Published on LearnTechLib
An issue of Economics of Education Review has just been added to LearnTechLib.
The table of contents is available here:
Monetary substitution of loans, earnings, and need-based aid in postsecondary education: The impact of Pell Grant eligibility
Signaling or better human capital: Evidence from Colombia
Does education foster trust? Evidence from compulsory schooling reform in the UK
Does primary school duration matter? Evaluating the consequences of a large Chinese policy experiment
Are changes of major major changes? The roles of grades, gender, and preferences in college major switching
School bus emissions, student health and academic performance
Inequalities in adolescent learning: Does the timing and persistence of food insecurity at home matter?
Promoting cognitive and soft skills acquisition in a disadvantaged public school system: Evidence from the Nurture thru Nature randomized experiment
The longer the better? The impact of the 2012 apprenticeship reform in England on achievement and labour market outcomes
School resources and labor market outcomes: Evidence from early twentieth-century Georgia
The STEM requirements of “Non-STEM” jobs: Evidence from UK online vacancy postings
The spillover benefits of expanding access to preschool
Moving the classroom to the computer lab: Can online learning with in-person support improve outcomes in community colleges?
International Journal of Educational Development 67:1 Published on LearnTechLib
An issue of International Journal of Educational Development has just been added to LearnTechLib.
The table of contents is available here:
Is home overcrowding a significant factor in children’s academic performance? Evidence from Latin America
Transnational higher education in the United Kingdom: An up-date
Ethnic fractionalization, conflict and educational development in Turkey
“Weekday rural teachers, weekend urban spouses and parents”: A Chinese case of how alternative hiring policy influences teachers’ career decisions
Policy adoption of learner-centred pedagogy in Rwanda: A case study of its rationale and transfer mechanisms
Alternative education in Palestinian-Arab society in Israel: Rationale and characteristics
Global linguistic capital, global cultural capital: International student migrants in China’s two-track international education market
Schools as change agents? Education and individual political agency in Uganda
Inequality of opportunity linked to disability in school enrollment among youth: Evidence from Egypt
Journal of Interactive Learning Research 30:1 Published on LearnTechLib
Exploring Students’ Acceptance of Using Mobile Device-based Student Response System in Classrooms
A Systematic Literature Review of Using Immersive Virtual Reality Technology in Teacher Education
Using Mobile Technology to Support Physician and Student Learning as Part of Patient Care
Is it the beginning or the end of iPad adoption in higher education? A case study.
How Did Graduate Students of Education Major Perceive Ground Rules in Online Discussions?
British Journal of Educational Technology 50:3 Published on LearnTechLib
An issue of British Journal of Educational Technology has just been added to LearnTechLib.
The table of contents is available here:
The creation of digital artefacts as a mechanism to engage students in studying literature
Sociotechnical co‐evolution of an e‐Learning innovation network
Advance organizers in videos for software training of Chinese students
School leaders’ practices for innovative use of digital technologies in schools
Towards the successful integration of e‐learning systems in higher education in Iraq: A student perspective
Comparing paper‐based and electronic multiple‐choice examinations with personal devices: Impact on students' performance, self‐efficacy and satisfaction
Social scholarship revisited: Changing scholarly practices in the age of social media
Flipped learning and parent engagement in secondary schools: A South Australian case study
How does principal e‐leadership affect ICT transformation across different school stages in K‐12 education: Perspectives from teachers in Shanghai
By design: Professional learning ecologies to develop primary school teachers’ makerspaces pedagogical capabilities
Teacher educators as gatekeepers: Preparing the next generation of teachers for technology integration in education
Integrating games as a means to develop e‐learning: Insights from a psychological perspective
Earth surface modeling for education: How effective is it? Four semesters of classroom tests with WILSIM‐GC
Devices and desires: Competing visions of a good education in the digital age
A study of the facilitation of cross‐cultural understanding and intercultural sensitivity using speech‐enabled language translation technology
The relationships between social participatory roles and cognitive engagement levels in online discussions
Exploring the roles of school leaders and teachers in a school‐wide adoption of flipped classroom: School dynamics and institutional cultures
The effects of mind games in math and grammar courses on the achievements and perceived problem‐solving skills of secondary school students
Fostering online learning at the workplace: A scheme to identify and analyse collaboration processes in asynchronous discussions
14 more papers are available at