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EdITLib Digital Library October Update
Author Submissions Now Accepted for EdITLib Digital Library
EdITLib Digital Library is now accepting submissions for inclusion in its digital library. The web page for submissions is:
The digital library accepts research and papers in the field of education and technology, multimedia, information technology, and e-learning.
Accepted submission types include papers from conference proceedings, published journal articles, theses and dissertations, eBooks, technical reports, and more. Submissions can be in PDF, Word, or RTF format.
EdITLib Update
EdITLib–Education & Information Technology Digital Library
EdITLib Update
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
The EdITLib Digital Library is a valuable online resource of 20,000+peer-reviewed and published international journal articles, conference papers, talks, seminars, and other media on the latest research, developments, and applications related to all aspects of Educational Technology and E-Learning.
Freely available: All abstracts, conference award papers, conference keynote/invited talks, journal contents alerts, and more!Recently Added Content Increases Value for You! Subscribe for only $19/mo.!
- ED-MEDIA 2009 Conference Papers, Talks, & PPT Presentations
- New eBook: “Research Highlights and Technology and Teacher Education”
- Seminar Recording: “Social Media: Trends & Implications for Learning”
- Feature Highlight:Collections
A total of 650 new peer-reviewed papers, including 11 Outstanding Award Papers from ED-MEDIA 2009 – World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications were recently added to the Digital Library!
For the ED-MEDIA 2009 papers, click here
Now you can also access all Keynote and Invited Speaker Talks from ED-MEDIA 2009 on EdITLib! It is not necessary to be a current Digital Library subscriber for receive to these talks.
For the recorded talks, see: EdITLib Recorded Talks
For more information on the ED-MEDIA 2010 Conference
in Toronto, Canada, June 28-July 2, 2010, see:
NEW eBOOK: “Research Highlights and Technology and Teacher Education”
This book is offers insight into the state of research in technology and teacher education through 40 selected papers submitted by members of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE). This rigorously peer-refereed volume will be published annually by SITE.
The book also is available in bound, print format at only $19 for personal use. Or consider using as a reading supplement/text for your class!
Several more e-Books on various topics such as E-Learning in Asia and Emerging Technologies for Learning are scheduled for publication and distribution in the Digital Library. All e-Books are freely available to EdITLib subscribers.
SEMINAR RECORDING: “Social Media: Trends & Implications for Learning”
“Social Media: Trends and Implications for Learning” is a seminar series, led by George Siemens and David Cormier, that explores emerging technological and related research trends as well as the impact of new technologies, research, and related projects.
This monthly seminar series is without fee and includes live interactive sessions, in addition to discussions with guest speakers and participants.
All sessions will be archived in the Education & Information Technology Library (EdITLib). Nearly 300 attended this popular event in July!
The recording is at:
The next online Social Media Seminar will be August 10, 2009, 9 PM Eastern USA. To attend, please visit and sign up for information at: AACE Global U : Social Media Seminar
The seminar series is co-sponsored and organized by AACE Global U, a developing initiative intended to provide learning and professional development opportunities on the latest research, trends, and best practices related to learning and technology.
EdITLib FEATURE HIGHLIGHT: Personal Collections
Keep track of your favorite articles, conference papers, and other EdITLib media resources. Create subject collections that you can share with colleagues and students.
About Your Education & Info. Tech. Digital Library:
In addition to the 20,000+ journal and conference papers from the past 15+ years, we have added the following new resources to this ever growing library:
- Conference keynote/invited speaker recordings
- Books (also available in bound & printed)
- PowerPoint slides of conference talks
- Seminar recordings
- Videos supplementing conference talks
- Receive Table of Contents Alerts to be notified when a new journal issue is published
- Create Collections of articles by topic
- Export citations in popular formats
- Email abstracts to colleagues and more…
All documents in the EdITLib are available individually or via subscription. Please support your Digital Library to continue development of new features and addition of new media-rich content for you.
DL flyer
Individual Subscriptions: Only $19/month
COinS in EdITLib & OpenURL 1.0
COinS has recently been implemented on a few pages in EdITLib — specifically, abstract pages for journal articles as well as table of contents listings.
Implementing COinS is part of EdITLib’s mission to continue to support and implement various library-related standards. If you know of a standard or technology that is not currently supported by the digital library and would like to see if we can add it, please contact us.
If you currently make use of COinS on other websites, please take a minute or two to test pages in EdITLib, to help us determine if it is set up correctly.
During the implementation of COinS, our OpenURL resolver was updated to respond to Z39.88-2004 syntax. The resolver, located at , should respond to queries in OpenURL 0.1 and OpenURL 1.0 (Z39.88-2004) format. Again, we welcome your input.
Please submit any comments or questions to
EdITLib Update
EdITLib–Education & Information Technology Digital Library
EdITLib is Media Rich!
Recently Added Content
Table of Contents Alerts
Next UPDATE Issue
Full Access to 15+ Years of EdITLib
The Digital Library (DL) is a valuable online resource of peer-reviewed and published international journal articles, conference papers and other media on the latest research, developments, and applications related to all aspects of Educational Technology and E-Learning.
EdITLib is Media Rich!
In addition to the 20,000+ PDF journal and conference papers from the past 15+ years, we have added the following new resources to this ever growing library:
“The Connected Learning Space”
“Learning and Teaching with Electronic Games”
“Supporting E-Learning with Technologies for Electronic Documents”
“Usage Analysis in Learning Systems”
“Learning Objects in Context”
PowerPoint slides of conference talks
eBooks on special topics
Videos supplementing conference talks
Recently Added Content
Weekly, new fully searchable content is added to keep you current on the latest literature!
Recently, 700+ papers were archived from the SITE 2009–Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference
The papers receiving the SITE 2009 Outstanding Paper Awards are online and accessible in EdITLib. It is not necessary to be a current Digital Library subscriber for access to these award papers.
For more information on the SITE 2010 conference in San Diego, see
Table of Contents Alerts
Freely subscribe to the Table of Contents Alert Service from EdITLib and be notified when a new journal issue is published.
Next UPDATE Issue
Details on using “Collections,” an EdITLib tool to help you keep track of your favorite articles, conference papers, and videos. You can create subject collections that you can share with colleagues or students.
Full Access to 15+ Years of EdITLib
All documents in the EdITLib are available individually or via subscription. Please support your Digital Library to continue development of new features and addition of new media-rich content for you!
Individual Subscriptions:
Only $19/monthlyLibrary Subscriptions:
** Please help to further internationally distribute your conference’s papers by encouraging your organization library to subscribe to EdITLib, a valuable, fully searchable, peer reviewed online resource of more than 20,000 journal articles and proceedings papers. **
Digital Library Flyer
EdITLib’s Top 10 Viewed Abstracts & Articles January 2009
Education & Information Technology Digital Library (EdITLib)
At no cost, you can:
- Search 20,000+ peer-reviewed articles and access abstracts for 15+ years of journals and conference proceedings
- Read most viewed abstracts in Library community
- Store personal Collections of articles by topic.
- Email abstracts to colleagues.
- Export citations
- And more!
- Search the Library and purchase individual articles without subscribing!
- Subscribe for 1 year and receive immediate access to 15+ years of all EdITLib’s peer-reviewed, international publications–10 journals and 4 conference publications, 20,000+ documents!
Individual and library subscriptions available.
January 2009
- Developing, Integrating and Delivering Successful Distributed Learning Environments For Your Students: Best Practices and Lessons Learned: The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected!
- The Business of eLearning: Creating a Revenue Channel
- Issues in Distance Learning
- Technology, Transfer and Teaching: The Impact of a Single Technology Course on Preservice Teachers’ Computer Attitudes and Ability
- Generative Learning Strategies and Metacognitive Feedback to Facilitate comprehension of Complex Science Topics and Self-Regulation
- A Case Study on Using English Language Movies in Teaching English as Foreign Language Experiences
- Guidelines for E-Learning – Advantages and Disadvantages
- Application of Bruner’s Cognitive Development Theory to Language Teaching in an Asynchronous Environment
- The Effects of the Use of Interactive Whiteboards on Student Achievement
- Use of Simulation in Nursing Education – Exploring Perspectives and Practice
- Issues in Distance Learning
- Technology, Transfer and Teaching: The Impact of a Single Technology Course on Preservice Teachers’ Computer Attitudes and Ability
- Are Pretty Interfaces Worth the Time? The Effects of User Interface Types on Web-Based Instruction
- Conditions, Processes and Consequences of 1:1 Computing in K-12 Classrooms: The Impact on Teaching Practices and Student Achievement
- Generative Learning Strategies and Metacognitive Feedback to Facilitate comprehension of Complex Science Topics and Self-Regulation
- Correlating college students’ learning styles and how they use Web 2.0 applications for Learning
- Online Learning and Quality Assurance
- Teachers’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of a Blended Learning Approach for ICT Teacher Training
- Developing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Preservice Teachers Through Microteaching Lesson Study
- A Case Study of Design-Based Research for Creating a Vision Prototype of a Technology-Based Innovative Learning Environment
The EdITLib Digital Library is a valuable online resource of peer-reviewed and published international journal articles and proceedings papers on the latest research, developments, and applications related to all aspects of Educational Technology and E-Learning.
This Digital Library enables users to:
- Conduct scholarly research
- Create personal Collections of articles by topic.
- Access and fully search publications in an easy, searchable, and efficient manner.
- Receive Table of Contents Alerts prior to publication.
- Comment on articles
- and more!!
OpenSearch available
If you use Firefox or the latest version of IE you may be familiar with the keyword search box in the upper right corner of your browser. This is based on a standard called OpenSearch. We’ve added it to the digital library, so now you can add fast keyword search for the EdITLib digital library directly to your browser (Firefox 2+ or IE 7+).
To manually install the plugin:
- Go to
- Click on the icon next to the keyword search (upper right-hand corner) and hold down.
- You should see an option “Add EdITLib”. Select it.
Welcome to the EdITLib blog
EdITLib, the digital library for Education and Information Technology, is an online resource of over 20,000 articles and conference papers focusing on the use of information technology, multimedia, and emerging technologies for learning and education.
In the next few months, we plan to allow submissions directly to the library, from educators, students, and members of the e-learning community: articles, papers, dissertations, even entire manuscripts and video submissions.
Other improvements on the horizon include online forums and tools for connecting with other e-learning practitioners, tools for organizing research, and increased integration with existing open standards for online library systems.
I’m very excited to be a part of this and hope you will stay tuned to this blog to find out about the latest changes to EdITLib.
Jordan Reiter
Chief Website Architect