Open Course on Future(s) in Education – sponsored by AACE

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  Open online course (no fee) begins April 19, 2010

Dave Cormier (UPEI) and George Siemens (Athabasca University)
Discussions and proclamations of the future of education, learning, training, and development are popular topics at conferences and in publications. For educators, leaders, and administrators, it’s easy to “get lost” in the numerous predictions. What is the next wave of technological change? Are learners really different today? Is our current model of education unsustainable? What can educators do to anticipate and respond to trends?
This course will utilize methods of futures thinking to explore a variety of trends and statistics and provide a series of potential scenarios and future directions. Participants will be actively involved in tracking critical trends, exploring their educational impact, and plan for ways to prepare for important changes.

Week 1: An introduction to trends and futures thinking: What and Why
Week 2:Creative and innovative thinking
Week 3:How do people decide?
Week 4:Trend Tracking
Week 5: Futures Thinking
Week 6:Data Sources
Week 7:Art as sensemaking
Week 8: Scenario Generation & Analysis
For Questions or to Sign Up, see:
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