Social Media:
Trends and Implications for Learning
Monday, August 10, 2009; 9PM (Easter US)
- Faculty:
- » George Siemens – Learning Technologies Centre, Univ. of Manitoba, Canada
- » David Cormier – Univ. of Prince Edward Island, Canada
Organized by: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Co-Sponsored by: Education & Information Technology Library (EdITLib)
AACE Global U is please to announce the 2nd seminar in its already successful series, “Social Media: Trends and Implications for Learning.” The 1st seminar had nearly 300 participants!
The seminar series, led by George Siemens and David Cormier, is without fee and will include live interactive sessions, in addition to discussions with guest speakers and participants. All sessions are co-sponsored by and archived in the Educations & Information Technology Library (EdITLib).
Social media and emerging technology are gaining increased attention for use in education. The list of tools grows daily. Examples: blogs, wikis, Ning, podcasts, Facebook, Twitter, Second Life, cloud computing, surface computing, mobile learning, and so on.
“Social Media” seminars explore the impact of new technologies, research, and related projects.
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We hope that you will be able to join us as well as gain valuable insight into social media and the trends and implications for learning.
It is Monday August 10 at 10am Halifax,Canada time and I am trying to connect to the online conference without success. Was it postponed? Is a pre-registration necessary? Good to know for next time.
I watched your last seminar video and really enjoy your dialogues and what you offer. I’m about three weeks into this crazy social media world and I can use any help I can get. Thanks for the education! It’s helping!